Craving for a tuna salad sandwich? Wrap? Or just a good old tuna salad on its own? I got you fam. Here's a healthier swap I made for my usual fatty mayo-laden go-to snack.
1/2 c Greek Yogurt (I use Fage or Chobani)
juice of half a lemon
1 tsp Dijon mustard (I used a stone-ground variety just because)
1/3 c chopped dill pickles (skip this if you don't like pickles)
1/2 celery stalk, diced
splash of pickle juice (optional, of course)
1 TBS chopped parsley (I used dried parsley for this one since I didn't have fresh at hand)
salt and pepper
1 can of tuna (in water, to cut down on fat calories)
optional add-ons: dill, chopped bell pepper, chopped cucumbers, avocado (makes it creamier--but remember that avos will add to the fat calories)
Mix all ingredients together until it is well combined. Taste and season accordingly. Smear it on a bagel, filling for a wrap, as a topping on grilled sourdough toast, or if you're aiming for less calories, make lettuce tacos with it.

If you're feeling cheeky like I do sometimes, you can add 1/3 c of shredded cheese for extra goodness, and serve it warm and gooey. Either way, this is a safe, judgment-free zone. Make food from scratch, eat food that makes you happy and keeps you healthy! <3