This is such an easy dish to throw together. All you need is a good white fish--our family favorites are Halibut and Bass. Any from the cod family is a good fish because it holds itself well and doesn't get too broken up, as long as you handle with care.
Note that a cod fillet is pretty huge, so I ended up cooking just half a fillet which I still split between me and my husband. It can be pretty thick in size too, so it will hit the spot and fill you up just right.
1 cod fillet (I used an Alaskan wild cod)
1/2 c melted butter (I use Kerry Gold because it's grass-fed)
1 TBS olive oil (NOT extra virgin!!!)
1 TBS cajun seasoning (I make my own cajun seasoning--it's pretty easy!)
juice of half a lemon
salt and pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 TBS capers, chopped (this is optional--I just love capers for their salty flavor)
1/2 TBS chopped scallions
Asparagus, trimmed bottoms (as much as you want. We love asparagus so we tend to cook up a bunch).

Preheat your grill to 400F and make sure to oil up the grates so the fish doesn't stick.
Throw your ingredients together (except the asparagus) and give it a good shake to blend the flavors together. Take the first half of it because you will use it for the fish before you cook it. Reserve half the marinade for dressing your fish when it's done.
Prep your fish by patting dry with paper towels, then salt and pepper both sides. Brush with the marinade and let sit while your grills gets up to temp. Brush your asparagus with the same marinade and toss it on the grill for at least 3 minutes ahead of the fish.
Take your cod fillet and cook at 4-5 minutes per side. At the very end of the cook time, brush with a little more marinade.
Plate by arranging your asparagus first, drizzle with the other half the marinade/dressing. Place cod fillet on top of asparagus. Drizzle with marinade and garnish with lemon slices.
