I felt like having a meatless dish for lunch that still packed a lot of flavor and protein. This was most satisfying.

1 can 14 oz chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 red onion, peeled, quartered, and thinly sliced. (You'll use 3/4 separately from the other quarter of it, so make sure to set aside the portions)
1/2 cup bulgur wheat
1 TBSP Harissa spice powder
1 Persian cucumber, trimmed and halved lengthwise, then cut into half inch pieces
1/4 oz dill weed, minced (fresh)
1 Roma tomato, diced
1/2 c crumbled feta
1/5 oz Greek vinaigrette
1/2 c hummus
Preheat oven to 425F.
Take your rinsed chickpeas and pat them dry. Place them in a baking sheet along with the sliced onions (make sure the remaining quarter of onion is set aside--you'll need it for the salad) and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle 1 tsp of harissa and salt. Toss to coat well. Roast them on the top rack for about 18 minutes or until onions are softened and chickpeas start to brown.
In a small pot, combine 1 c water, bulgur wheat, 1/2 tsp harissa powder, and 1/2 tsp salt. Bring to a boil and then cover and reduce heat to low and simmer. Cook for about 12-15 minutes or until bulgur is tender. Once done cooking, keep it covered but remove it from the heat.
In another bowl, toss together your half-moon shaped cucumber slices, tomato, and the remaining onion. Add half the minced dill, half the Greek vinaigrette, and half the crumbled feta. Season with salt and pepper.
Once bulgur has completely absorbed all water, (drain any excess if necessary), pour in the rest of the vinaigrette, season as needed with salt and pepper, and mix well.

To plate, spoon the hummus onto a plate and using the back of the spoon, smear it lightly across on one side. Then assemble bulgur on one side, and arrange the roasted chickpeas and onions over it. Lastly, top with the Greek salad and sprinkle with remaining feta and dill.